Ford P1185 OBD-II Trouble Code Definition:
P1185 DV-E Failure: Position Deviation
P1185 Ford OBD-II Trouble CodeDescription:
Ferrari OBD Trouble Code P1185
DV-E Failure: Position Deviation
Solutions Deviation too high (plaus) 1 reset DV-E adaptation value 2 key off and on again, engine off 3 read learning step counter. Has to be 9 and bjrnfg-l, if no; -check throttle position: Low valuel.)-2J%- *Accpedar-0% High value 99-102% *Accpedal-100 -check the wiring, potentiometer – key on, engine off, output signal; 0.65-0.85 – *Accpedat-0% 3.7-3.9* AccpedaM 00% ? battery voltage >9V – Tmot, Tans > 5*C ? Accpedal<14% - Vehicle spedd-OKm/h
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